Prenups and postnups

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Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements (prenups and postnups) allow you to set out in advance what you want to happen financially if your marriage ends in divorce. If properly drafted they will be binding.

Why have a prenup or postnup?

The way the law of England & Wales deals with finances on divorce is highly discretionary and unpredictable. It's practically impossible to say with any certainty what a judge or arbitrator might decide if you and your ex can't reach your own agreement. Often the best family lawyers can do is say what the broad parameters of a settlement might be.

Nuptial (or marital) agreements might not seem very romantic but they enable you to avoid this legal lottery. The cost of drawing them up can be seen as an investment when you consider the substantial legal fees you'll save from knowing where you stand if you get divorced.

Other advantages include:

  • Identifying and protecting business or trust interests, inherited/gifted wealth or other assets owned before your marriage so that they can be excluded from any split.
  • In an international marriage, agreeing where the divorce and financial proceedings take place in situations where there's a choice.
  • Providing reassurance if you're living together and wanting to get married, but are worried about the financial implications if there's a divorce later.
  • For postnups, providing certainty if you've been separated but are giving the marriage another go.

Our national family law team has extensive experience of advising on and drafting prenups and postnups including in the most complex and high value cases. Following a landmark case called Radmacher v Granatino in 2010 the law is now clear. If marital agreements are entered into freely, with a proper understanding of their consequences and, crucially, are not obviously unfair to one of the couple, they will be upheld if challenged in court.

Whether we're advising the husband or wife-to-be who is looking to protect their assets, or the financially weaker party, we understand how to apply these principles to get the right outcome. Recent examples of agreements we've been involved in are:

  • A prenup for a Premiership footballer. He and his partner had lived together for a number of years and had decided to get married at short notice.
  • A prenup for an entrepreneur whose fiancée was from one EU country and they were going to live in another. We worked closely with family lawyers from those two other jurisdictions to cover these international factors.
  • A postnup for the beneficiary of a substantial farming trust that she and the family wanted to pass on to future generations.

Ready to talk to us?

Our team of specialist family lawyers are here to support you if you're looking into prenups and postnups. Speak to our team today. 

Our prenups lawyers


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Prenup and postnup FAQs

A prenup is a formal written agreement agreed by a couple before they get married, which sets out what they would like to happen financially in the event that their marriage subsequently breaks down. 

Prenups are not contractually binding, because on a divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership the court always retains the ability to reach a different decision if that's what is required to get a fair outcome. However, if prenups are drawn up carefully in accordance with guiding principles established by the courts, these will usually be upheld. Those principles include ensuring that the terms of the prenup are fully understood and expert legal advice is a key factor in that. 

A prenup that is properly drafted gives you certainty about how some or all of the financial consequences of a divorce will be dealt with. For example, it can set out clearly what should happen with assets that each of the couple already has before the marriage, perhaps by ringfencing them so they are not part of a future divorce, or the level of housing or maintenance to be provided. 

A prenup after marriage is called a postnup and they have all the same benefits of a prenup. They are often very helpful where a couple has run into problems in their marriage but want to try to make it work. A postnup can provide reassurance that if things go wrong again there will not need to be any argument about the divorce financial settlement and this can help the reconciliation to be a success.

If they are properly drafted, entered into freely with the benefit of suitable legal advice and are not obviously unfair on the financially less well off person then they are likely to be upheld if challenged in court on a divorce. 

It can feel unromantic to ask for a prenup. We understand that. When you're getting married you're hoping that you'll never have to worry about what happens on a divorce. But prenups have been common in many countries around the world for years and increasingly couples here are seeing the advantage of saying before they tie the knot what they want to happen if the marriage doesn't work out. Making those decisions when you are happy, trust each other and are thinking clearly makes more sense to many people than trying to deal with the fallout when things go wrong and emotions are running high.

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