Financial settlement

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Divorce financial settlement is a general term for sorting out all the different financial consequences of a divorce. These can include how a house is divided, pensions and maintenance.

There are two main concerns that you are likely to have when facing a divorce. If you have children, their welfare and happiness and the arrangements you make for them after separation will probably be your first priority. The second will be the financial settlement. The two will usually be closely linked. 

We have a national and international reputation when it comes to answering the questions you will have about divorce settlements. For example:

When you put your trust in our divorce solicitors you can be sure that you're getting advice and representation that looks at the whole picture. It's not just about the law. It's about understanding your priorities and concerns. It's about working with you and not just for you. And it's about the best approach to getting you a divorce financial settlement that means you can look forward with confidence to whatever lies ahead. 

Ready to talk to us?

Our team of specialist family lawyers are here to support you if you're facing issues related to financial settlement on divorce.

Speak to our team today. 

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On our YouTube channel, Caitlin Jenkins, the Family Law Vlogger gives you guidance on your first step in sorting out your issues.

Financial settlement FAQs

The objective when splitting assets on a divorce is to try to get the fairest outcome possible. Of course, you and your ex may well have different views on what is fair but in most cases, a solution can be found that avoids the emotional and financial costs of a lengthy battle. That's what our family lawyers, mediators and arbitrators aim to help you achieve. 

There is a checklist that a court or arbitrator will use if you cannot reach agreement yourselves and that will be the guide in negotiations. These are known in shorthand as the "section 25 criteria" after the section of the legislation that governs divorce and financial proceedings. Everything is looked at in the round to assess what you and your children need and what assets there are to meet those needs. The final settlement may be all or a combination of maintenance, pension sharing, cash payments, property division or the restructuring of a family business

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