1 minute read

What is family mediation?

Have you heard about family mediation but are wondering what it actually means? 

Mediation is a way of sorting any differences between you and your ex, with the help of a third person who is specially trained to help you negotiate together to try and reach an agreement. They can help you reach an agreement about all sorts of issues including money, property or children. 

Mediators are neutral and will not take sides, so they cannot give advice to either of you. They will often recommend that you obtain legal advice alongside the mediation process and will guide you as to when this should happen.

Not everyone is ready for mediation at the same stage in separating, so part of the mediator’s job is to consider whether it is suitable for both of you.

In the video below, mediator Caitlin Jenkins talks about how mediation works, the role of the mediator, what happens when you and your ex reach an agreement and common concerns clients have when thinking about starting mediation.

For more information about mediation, contact our children and family team. 


Alison Bull


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